FAQ Engine

FAQ Engine

Скрипт раздела вопросов-ответов (F.A.Q).
- Data stored in MySQL
- FAQ can be grouped by categories and subcategories
- admin can defined related FAQs, categories and subcategories
- Various display options
- Administration interface
- Multiple programms can be maintained
- Support for multiple languages (switiching on every page of user interface possible)
- Search function
- Support for multiple instances in one database
- Own header and footer can be defined
- Option to allow users to rate FAQ
- Email FAQ-entry or FAQ-list
- Admins can post FAQ-list to newsgroup (NNTP)
- Admins can attach file to FAQ
- Users can write comments on FAQ
- Users can post questions to moderators of programm
- minimal knowledge base functionality
- download FAQs for editing offline and the upload them again, or enter new FAQs offline and just upload (editor as java application available for separate download)
- backup/restore data

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Теги: FAQ скрипт


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