AudioShare v 2.0.2 Nulled

AudioShare v 2.0.2 Nulled

Cкрипт для создания музыкального портала, каталога MP3.


* Easily Add Languages
Add multiple new languages easyily! All phrases are stored in a single file for each language, so you just need to add one file per language.

* Comes With Two Languages
The script comes with english and spanish language packs. You can simply remove any you don't want, or add new ones.


* Recently Added Audios
The most recently uploaded audios are shown here to keep your website fresh.

* Featured Audios
The Admin can feature audios, which are shown on the homepage. The maximum number of can be set in the Admin Control Panel.

* Categories
A listing of the audio categories is shown on the hompage for easy access.

Profile Pages

* AJAX Subscribe To Member
Logged in members can subscribe to other members without page re-loading.

* AJAX Send Message
Logged in members can send the member a message from their profile without page re-loading.

* AJAX Add To Friends
Logged in members can send friend requests without page re-loading.

* Member Statistics
Detailed member statistics are shown on the their profile including profile views, audios, comments, subscribers, etc.

* Member Audios
The last 5 uploaded member audios are shown, with a link to show all the member's upload audios.

* Profile Comments
All comments on the member's profile by other members are shown.

* Member Information
Profile member information is shown on the the profile page, including name, birthday, gender, city, country, description, website, etc.

Login Page

* Remember Me Login
Users can now be logged in until they decide to logout with the cookie session memory.

* AJAX Check Aavailable Username
Now users can check if a username is available without submitting the page, and without re-loading the page.

Signup Page

* Password Strength Meter
Signup form has a meter to indicate the strength of the entered password.

Upload Audio Page

* New Upload Progress Bar
The upload progress bar has been totally redesigned for audios.

* One Page Upload
No longer do member have to suffer through multiple pages to upload a audio with our one page upload for each one we make it quick and hassle free.

* Upload Progress Details
A detailed breakdown of the upload progress is shown, including the percentage complete and time remaining.

Member Accounts

* Account Status
In the My Account page, member can see detailed statistics of their account including their account status, e-mail status and summaries of all interactions.

* Account Functions
Members can change their e-mail, change thieir password, edit their profile as well as change their profile picture.

* Messages
Members have a inbox, where they can view received messages from other members, as well as reply to them.

* AJAX Reply To Message
When viewing a message, members can instantly reply without page re-load.

* Member Friends
Members can view as well as remove their current friends.

* Friend Requests
Requests to be a member's friend are shown, where they can accept or reject it.

* Audios
Members can view, edit or delete any of their uploaded audios.

Search System

* Search From Any Page
With our advanced search system, users can search from any page they are on by clicking "Search" on top of the page.


* Easy Ads
With out easy ads system, adding an advertisement to the site is made too simple!

Play Audio Page

* AJAX Add Audio To Favorites
Logged in members can favorite audio without page re-loading.

* AJAX Share Audio
Logged in members can share(e-mail) audio to their friends without page re-loading.

* AJAX Report Audio To Admin
Logged in members can report audio to the Admin without page re-loading.

* AJAX Subscripe To Member
Logged in members can subscribe to other members without page re-loading.

* Social Bookmarks
Viewers can add the audio pages to their favorite social bookmarking website, which boosts your site traffic.

* Related and User Audios
Lots of other audio available on this page that will increase the viewer's clickthrough rate.


* Audio Categories
Categories are available for audios, which can be added/removed by the Admin.

Account Help

* Forgot Username
If members forget their username, they can now request it by entering their e-mail address and have it e-mailed to them.

* Reset Password
If members forget their account password, they can now request it by entering their username and have it e-mailed to them.


* New Flash Audio Player!
A new audio player has been added, which compliments the new web 2.0 theme.

* PHP5 and PHP4 Full Support
PHP5 as well as the older PHP4 both have full support, extensively tested on both.

* CSS Tableless Theme
The script comes with a modern looking css tableless theme.

* Encoded Passwords
For additional security, all member passwords are MD5 encoded.

* SEO Optimization
To improve your popularity on search engines, we have completely seo optimized the script to have as much friedly url's as possible.

* Extensive RSS Feeds
Audio rss feeds have been added and are available to everyone who uses your site.

* Character Counter & Limiter
Messages and comments now have a character counter and limiter to keep track of entered text and enforce the Admin set limit.


* Member Validation System
Admins now have more control over members and can manually approve all new members first.

* Static Pages with HTML - Admin Panel
Admins can now edit all the static pages of the script from the Admin Panel. HTML is now accepted.

* Update Notification System
Admin will now be notified in the Admin Panel when new script updates are released!

* New Admin Panel
100% New and feature filled Admin Panel added.

* Admin AutoPlay Settings
Admins can set whether audios autoplay or not from the Admin Panel.

* Audio Validation System
Admin Panel option to require newly uploaded audios to be validated before they are made public can be enabled/disabled.

* Image Captcha On/Off
Admin can enable/disable the image captcha on the signup form from the Admin Panel.

* E-Mail Verification for Uploads On/Off
Admin can enable/disable requirement to only allow verified e-mail account to upload audios from the Admin Panel.

* Create Multiple Administrators
Now administrators no longer have to share one login and password. Multiple administrators can be added.

* Encoded Administrator Passwords
For additional security, all member passwords are MD5 encoded.

* Customization
Administrators can customize every aspect of the site to suit their preferences, including audios per page, allowing downloads, allowing who can download, SEO settings, Rating settings, meta tags, etc.

* View Edit Delete
Administrators can view edit or delete audios and members.

* Create or Delete Categories
Administrators can create new categories for audios or delete them.

* Advertisements
Administrators can edit advertisements that appear throught the website.

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Теги: AudioShare, скрипт музыкального сайта


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